Balance Your Moods

Break free from the grip of anxiety and low mood as we uncover the keys to lasting peace and resilience together.

Say goodbye to overwhelm and reclaim control over your emotions, paving the way for clarity, calm, and confidence in a brighter, happier future.




Here's the truth:
Your journey to healing can only begin when you are able to acknowledge and address the underlying root causes of your struggles.

Feeling drained, overwhelmed, and emotionally depleted? Struggling with persistent low mood, crippling anxiety, or unexplained bouts of depression? Perhaps you've tried various solutions, but nothing seems to provide lasting relief?

You're not alone. Many women face similar challenges, grappling with the complexities of modern life while silently bearing the weight of their emotional turmoil.

If you resonate with this struggle, know that there is hope.

My mission is to offer you a beacon of light amidst the darkness, guiding you towards a path of renewed vitality and emotional resilience.

I understand the frustration of searching for answers, only to feel lost in a sea of conflicting information and quick-fix solutions.

Together, we'll find all of factors contributing to your low mood, anxiety, or depression, paving the way for genuine transformation and lasting relief.

You deserve to reclaim your joy, energy, and inner peace – and I'm here to help you every step of the way.

My goal is for you to emerge as a renewed and empowered version of yourself. Picture waking up each day feeling energized, optimistic, and emotionally balanced. Imagine reclaiming your zest for life, engaging fully in the activities you love, and nurturing meaningful connections with those around you.

With personalised nutrition and lifestyle guidance, tailored specifically to address your unique needs, you'll discover sustainable strategies for long-term well-being.

Good Moods Package

Your mental health journey is multifaceted, influenced by numerous factors, some of which are often overlooked.

Nutrient deficiencies, thyroid issues, gut imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, inflammation, blood sugar levels, can all impact your mood and well-being. Unlock the power of nutrition to help alleviate symptoms effectively and change your mental health, guiding you towards renewed vitality and emotional equilibrium.

What’s included

  • 1 x 1-hour Initial Consultation (Value: $225)

  • 1 x 45-minute Follow-Up Consultation (includes review of pathology or functional testing ordered) (Value: $225)

  • 1 x 30-minute Follow-Up Consultation (Value: $145)

  • Includes recipe booklet, info handouts and script for practitioner grade supplements (Value: $145)

Total Package Value

Your Investment

*Functional Test: Additional cost using a trusted functional testing lab, Co biome, RN labs or Nutripath. Testing is done by one of our trusted labs (RN labs. Co- biome or Nutripath) for a Comprehensive PCR/DNA Stool Test ($380-$650). Based on the level of testing deemed necessary

What to Expect

Tailored to your unique needs, my approach begins with a comprehensive assessment, diving into your health history and current concerns—be it gut health, hormone balance, weight or skin issues.

Using proven methods, we identify the root causes behind your challenges. From there, I craft a personalised treatment plan, integrating dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation. This process works because it’s not a cookie cutter approach because everyone is unique.

By addressing the underlying factors contributing to YOUR health issues, we pave the way for lasting results and a brighter, healthier future. This individualised approach—it's designed to unlock your potential for optimal well-being.

Step One

Comprehensive Assessment

We delve into your history, symptoms, and lifestyle, uncovering underlying issues like gut health and hormone balance.

Step Two

Personalized Treatment Plan

Together, we design a tailored plan, giving answers to your health issues and integrating diet, lifestyle adjustments, and supplements to meet your goals.

Step Three

Support and Progress Tracking

I’m with you every step, tracking progress, celebrating milestones, ensuring effectiveness, and empowering your continued success.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Your gut health directly influences your mood. For example, bacteria overgrowths in the small intestine can result in increased anxiety. In addition, Histamines produced in the gut can drive irritability and increased anxiety. By optimizing your gut through specialized nutrition, you can experience a positive shift in your emotional well-being.

  • Absolutely! Nutrient deficiencies particularly B vitamins and iron, zinc and omega 3 play a crucial role in balancing hormones and minimizing mood swings. Blood sugar balance and inflammation also play a huge role. Discover how simple dietary changes can lead to a more stable and uplifting mood.

  • Certain foods are known for their stress-relieving properties, helping to calm your mind and ease anxiety. Learn which nutrients to incorporate into your diet to promote a sense of calmness and resilience.

  • If you notice your mental health takes a nose drive at certain points in your cycle hormonal. Nutrient deficiencies and/or blood sugar imbalances may be at play. You can support your mental health throughout your menstrual cycle with knowledge of each phase, each unique needs and adopt personalized nutrition strategies. It is possible

  • Absolutely! Fuel your vitality and uplift your mood naturally with gut-nourishing foods. Our happy hormone serotonin is made in the gut. If you want to have calmer more stable moods a happy gut is key.

  • Depending on your needs, supplements may be recommended to complement your diet and address any deficiencies.r improve gut function or support hormonal balance and detoxification. All supplements are TGA approved and practitioner only products.

From the blog
Managing Moods